Your Automatic Swing

Your Automatic Swing

The golf swing is directed by the golfer in two different ways, one set of instructions is provided by the way you think, both before and during the swing and the other way is through what is best described as your ‘automatic self’.

You are all familiar with the way you think during your swing, even if at times you think of far too much and become confused but your ‘automatic’ is not so readily recognised, but it can be quite easily explained.

Most body movements are guided below the level of conscious awareness by your automatic self and these movements which you will have ‘put in place’ by either teaching yourselves to play or by following the advice of the local pro is your swing, the one which natural talent and practise time has given to you.

Your automatic swing is very personal and it is the one you use when golf stress refuses to allow your thinking mind to work in the logical order of your swing requirements and it is at these times you find out if your practise sessions and your pleasure golf days, were times when you programmed your automatic swing with a good procedure or bad procedure.

Your ‘automatic’ is not only programmed with your personal physical movements, it is also the “store” of your practised emotions.

If you practise being an angry golfer you can’t expect to be anything other than an angry golfer and if you are always afraid of competition and behave like this every time you have a card in your hand, then afraid is what you will be on competition day- ‘Practise is permanent’.

Remember to practise good attitude and good movements as directed by your professional because this will help you groove a reliable automatic swing, which is the swing you use when the pressure is on.