Relaxation Routine

It is important to breathe correctly when trying to relax and the method used requires that we breathe by using our stomach muscles rather than our chest muscles.

a) Watch your stomach going up and down as you breathe trying not to use your chest muscles.

b) Make breathing out longer than breathing in.

c) Close your eyes.

d) Think about your feet, wriggle your toes then keep them perfectly still.

e) Think about your ankles and feel the relaxation run past them, into your knees and through your thighs.

f) Feel the relaxation run up through your body and into your shoulders.

g) It runs down your arms and into your hands.

h) Wriggle your fingers and then hold them perfectly still.

i) Move your head gently from side to side to relax your neck muscles, relax your face. Place your tongue on the bottom of your mouth and behind your teeth.

j) Remain perfectly still and stay there as long a time as you wish to relax.

Understanding the feeling of relaxation will allow you to ask for them when you find there is the need and after just a few short weeks of following this routine method, you will be able to find the feelings, which allow you to overcome stress.

You should practise daily and stay in “relax mode” for up to 20 minutes per session.

A relaxed mind is a controllable mind and this is only available in partnership with a relaxed body.

Be relaxed, be patient, be tolerant, be a winner.