Myth or Magic

Myth or Magic

Just what is golf psychology, what can it do for you, is it myth, magic or just more American based jargon?

Before I start let me correct a typical misconception that it is all about positive thinking.

For sure that is part of the methodology but it is more about controlled and correct thinking than just positive thinking.

In fact it is more about not thinking in a negative manner rather than thinking in a positive manner.

Now let me give you some bad news.

Correct and controlled thinking will not stop you from hitting bad golf shots because 80% of good shot making is due to swing basics such as posture, grip and alignment and if your basics are incorrect bad shots will result.

What correct thinking will do for you is to stop you hitting bad golf shots because you THINK that you are going to hit bad shots by replaying previous bad experiences in your mind.

Control of your ‘inner game’ will also stop you from turning one bad shot on a hole into a series of bad shots over the following holes as you tend to lose control of your temper and concentration with anger and frustration taking over from controlled thinking.

Golf psychology is not new, it has been around for years, only in different forms such as your parents, your golf coach, your friends and your caddy.

Jack Nicklaus, in my opinion the best golfer in history, used to ask three things from his caddy, carry the clubs, give me the yardage and keep telling me how good i am.

Even the best golfer like being fed positive vibes and amateur golfers are no different.