‘Last of the Summer Wine’

The month of September in Spain usually represents the end of the extremely high temperatures to be replaced with more manageable temperatures BUT this also comes with the threat of a ‘gota fria’ or monsoon type rain storms to you and me.

Regular readers of this column will also know that the end of September also represents the end of the summer low season pricing period when prices are at their lowest to be replaced by the high season period until the end of November 2022 when prices are at their highest and the courses at their busiest.

So now is the time to take the last of the summer wine and enjoy the low prices before they increase significantly and while there will still be a few good deals available they will be few and far between.

To see you through to the end of September we can offer you a numbers of deals to visit the excellent courses in Murcia including 2 ball deals,4 balls deals,1 free in 8 deals and some additional discounting and to take advantage of any of these deals call Mike Probert on 661345931 but be quick because the 1st of October will be with us before you know it
