Happy Days are Here Again!

‘Happy Days are Here Again’

Love it or hate it but our Spanish hosts continue to apply a strategy of seasonal pricing where the base price of golf varies throughout the year and good or bad it is here with us to stay until there is some dramatic change on the market place.

Given that ALL of the local courses have had their best high season period ( October and November) for many years this is unlikely to change in the near future.

The good news is that with effect from 1st December 2015 most of the local golf courses apply their LOW SEASON tariffs that will stay in place until 29th February 2016.

The other good news is that as most of the courses are relatively quiet over these winter months with tourists being in short supply and many residents returning back to the UK for Christmas and the New Year.

The pace of play on the courses is quicker than normal and you should be able to forget 5 hours rounds for a few months.

Yes I know that even here in Spain during the winter months you still have to wrap up warm with wind cheaters and woolly hats but late morning tee times usually see you get the best of the afternoon sun and warmth.

You should always remember that back in the UK the chances are that with low temperatures,snow and ice it is unlikely you would be playing at all so go on give the missus a break for a few hours and fill your boots with golf at these low prices because before you know it the high season prices will be back with you in March.