Bouncebackability – Part 1

Bouncebackability – Part 1’

This is not just the latest jargon but is an element of character required by every competitive golfer.

Do you recognise the following golfing situation?

You have played well in the weekly stableford and have achieved 20 points after 9 holes.

On the short par 4 tenth hole you hit your 2nd shot ‘fat’ and into a bunker where it plugs and two bunker shots and three putts later you have no score.

The next hole is a long par 3 and you have geared yourself up and hit a 3-iron over the top of the flag but with adrenaline flowing the ball clears the green and rolls slowly into a water hazard at the rear of the green.

How do you feel?

At this stage the majority of golfers will have a feeling of anger welling up inside them and their heart will be pounding as if it will burst through their chest.

This feeling of anger and anxiety will soon change to one of depression and disappointment, the shoulders slump, the head drops, the walk becomes slower and everything becomes too much effort.

Do you know this golfer? Could it be you? What are you going to do about it?

Immediately you must start to feel better about yourself and the first thing that you must do is to lift your head, keep your eyes above the horizon and stop looking at your feet as you walk.

Before the next tee shot, find a little quiet time for yourself and remind yourself why you are here, for enjoyment and reset your immediate goals.

This article will continue next week with remaining in the present.