The Alphabet of Golf (A to M)

The Alphabet of Golf

We are going to take a jovial view of the wonderful and frustrating game of golf by looking at the alphabet of golf starting with letters A to M:

A Air-Shot (often forgotten by cheats or called as a Mulligan)
B Bunkers (just play areas for big kids really)
C Clubs  (Cheap to make but expensive to buy)
D Divots (not replaced by inconsiderate golfers)
E Etiquette (the very basis and morals of the game of golf)
F Fore (the term used most often by poor golfers)
G Gimme (the favourite word of all bad putters)
H Hole-out (many players don’t do this on society days)
I Injury (caused because golfers think a warm up is a couple of practice swings)
J Jumper (not usually needed here in Spain for most of the year)
K Know it all (the society member who complains but does nothing to help)
L Leather Wedge (often used by cheating bad golfers in the rough)
M Medal Competitions (forgotten in Spain unless you want a 6 hour round)

We will continue next week with letters N-Z.