Preparing to Play (Part 5)

Preparing to Play (Part 5)

This series or articles has concentrated upon the preparation required by a golfer prior to standing on the first tee in readiness for competition.

You will recall that it is essential to be properly prepared and well rested the night before the competition and to take care not to induce undue stress when driving to the course and when completing the booking in process required on the day.

Ensure that you leave adequate time for good practise and if you are short of time concentrate on putting as this is a significant proportion of the game and could assist you to survive any loose shots early during your round.

The only thing left now before you go to the tee is to remind yourself just “why you are there”?

Find a quiet place, your car is an ideal place, but if it is not close at hand, move away and stand somewhere on your own.

Tell yourself that the first idea of playing in this competition is to win, and if at any time this possibility becomes remote then you will replace it with something else.

You will play for your own personal achievement and beat yourself, not the other competitors and then you will have a good chance of winning but remember to leave out the aggressive approach and hit the ball with controlled authority.

Remind yourself that you will remain patient with yourself and tolerant of others and that you will adhere to your course plan, and that above all else you will smile and be happy.

Irrespective of whether you are successful in the competition or not if you can achieve this you will all be WINNERS in the game of golf.