‘Will to Win’ No matter how good a player your are or how well you think on a golf course there is another vital element needed in your armoury to…..Read More

‘Autogenics’ In previous articles I have discussed relaxation techniques and these include the old faithful, have a good deep breath and exhale slowly. Just how does doing this help you…..Read More

‘Natural Instincts’ Have you ever thought why you act the way that you do both in life and on the golf course? The answer is simple; it is your natural…..Read More

‘Goal Setting’ Remember what your dad used to say to you “if you do not know where you are going you will not know when you have arrived”. Golf is…..Read More

‘The Perfect Round’ Are you one of those golfers always in search of the perfect round of golf? Well I have some bad news for you………it does not exist! How…..Read More